What Do Hamburgers Have to Do with Geometry?
Nothing, but the translucent squares of paper used by restaurants to separate hamburger patties have a lot to do with it. Discovering Geometry author Michael Serra brings discovery through paper-folding activities to the classroom with his exciting book Patty Paper® Geometry.
Transformational Geometry (reflections, rotations, and translations) have become a significant part of the new geometry course in the Common Core State Standards. Constructions are performed more accurately and geometric discoveries are made faster with patty paper. At the end of their investigations, students have discovered most of the properties of geometric figures studied in high school geometry courses. Use Patty Paper® Geometry as a supplement to your geometry program or even as a major course of study. For video demonstrations using patty paper or for home school use, see our Discovering Geometry® Video Series.
Patty Paper Geometry now available at Teachers Pay Teachers via pdf download
Please order print books online from Amazon.
MSRP $34.95 262 pages Grades 6-10 PPG sample 1 PPG sample 2 PPG sample 3 Amazon reviews
You may already use paper folding in your classroom. Maybe you tried waxed paper and found it hard to write on or used other paper that you couldn't see through.
Patty paper is perfect for discovering geometric investigations:
- They are manufactured in conveniently sized squares
- Easy to write on with pencils and felt tip markers
- The wax surface makes it easy to see creases
- Perfect for tracing geometric figures
It's a great way to explore geometry from a hands-on, tactile approach. And, best of all, it's probably the world's cheapest manipulative: A thousand sheets cost only about fifteen dollars.
Patty Paper® Geometry includes dozens of activities that:
- Foster cooperative learning
- Increase students' geometric vocabulary
- Motivate kids to read, write, and talk about geometry
Effective September 6, 2012, Patty Paper Geometry is published by Angie and Michael Serra dba Playing It Smart and is no longer associated with Key Curriculum Press.
Copyright © 2023 Michael Serra