October 24, 2015 Maui, Hawaii
"Don't just Cover Geometry, Discover Geometry"
Saturday, October 24, 2015
St. Anthony Junior-Senior High School
1618 Lower Main St, Wailuku, HI 96793
Room - Wong A
8 am registration
8:30 - 10:10 - Session 1
10:30 - 12 noon - Session 2
In session one, participants will perform investigations of familiar properties of geometry using a variety of tools (which may include: patty paper, compass & straightedge, dynamic geometry software, double-edged straightedge (DESE), string, balloons, fettuccine, ...).
Download 01.HHO.Don't Cover, Discover.10.24.15
In session two, participants will select from among a shortlist of investigations, one investigation that they do not know the answer to, select appropriate tools, investigate, conjecture, and perhaps even prove their discovery.
Download 02.HHO.Investigations in Geometry.10.24.15