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April 2015

Institute Description

Institutes are one to five full-day sessions. This format is ideal for full immersion into Inquiry-based Learning.  At Michael’s institute, you will be engaged in exciting hands-on activities from start to finish.  Participants, working in a cooperative-learning environment, will perform investigations, discuss results with group members, make conjectures, test them, and use their problem solving skills.  In addition to the traditional geometry tools of compass, straightedge, ruler, and protractor, participants will have extensive experiences with Patty Paper and The Geometer’s Sketchpad. Some recent examples can be seen below.

Each institute is custom designed to meet your needs. Institutes can be set up at host school district sites or arrangements can be made for a full immersion geometry institute in San Francisco. Pricing is based on length of time, the number of visits, topics requiring special equipment and materials, and amount of travel involved. For more information please contact us at [email protected].

One Day Institute

One Day Institutes are ideal for teachers/school districts that want one day of PD covering a few content strands or a quick overview of the Discovering Geometry textbook and its approach. If the client wishes to focus on only one topic, such as Cooperative Learning, then a One Day Institute may be sufficient. A One Day Institute provides approximately five to six hours of instruction.

Two Day Institute

Two Day Institutes are ideal for teachers/school districts that want a more in-depth look at Inquiry-based Learning or a more detailed look at the Discovering Geometry textbook. In addition to a closer look at Discovering Geometry, topics may include Cooperative Learning, Discovering Learning, and Classroom Management. A Two Day Institute provides about 10 to 12 hours of instruction.

Three Day Institute

A Three Day Institute provides about 15 to 18 hours of instruction.

Four Day Institute

A Four Day Institute provides about 20 to 24 hours of instruction.

 Five Day Institute

A Five Day Institute provides about 25 to 30 hours of instruction.